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News & stories

Zlin power plant produces "clean energy"

Zlin Company Alpiq Zlin s.r.o. continues in its effort to supply customers with green energy. After exchange of old boilers with two new fluid blocks…

Germany: first experimental solar tower power plant up and running

Germany is not blessed with a particularly sunny climate, yet it offers the ideal location for research and development into solar-thermal power plant…

Clean mobility: Alpiq supports electric cars

Energy is in short supply, and the climate is suffering – given this global set of problems, Switzerland too must plot the right political and…

Mini hydroelectric power stations: small but not to be underestimated

Alpiq EcoPower Switzerland Ltd. wants to encourage the expansion of mini hydroelectric power generation. Gerhard Danioth, managing director, firmly…

Small hydroelectric power stations in the Valsesia Valley

In Northern Piedmont, below Monte Rosa and nestled in a deep cleft between the eastern peaks of the Aosta Valley, lies a forgotten part of Italy.

Small hydroelectric power station and apple orchards by a Norwegian fjord

Vertiginous cliffs, rushing torrents, thundering waterfalls: the region around Hardanger Fjord is ideal for harnessing the power of water or "blue…

Hot springs and green frogs in Budapest

The water in Budapest not only flows in the Danube, but also collects in vast underground thermal water caverns.

Lake water for Swarovski

The stylish new headquarters in Männedorf overlook Lake Zurich and feature innovative, environmentally-friendly building technology.

Boosting the regional economy in Val d'Anniviers (Turtmann Valleyl) through eco-friendly power generation

High above Val d'Anniviers lies Lac de Moiry. A soaring panorama of 4,000-meter peaks surrounds the reservoir, culminating at the end of the valley in…

«There's an enormous demand for information about energy efficiency»

Alpiq EcoServices AG is the latest addition to the Alpiq Group. The company delivers integrated solutions for the energy-efficient planning and…